Department of Public Works
The Department of Public Works is responsible for all areas of the Borough including maintaining the Municipal Building, streets and roads, grass cutting and maintenance of parks and playgrounds, storm sewer and sanitary sewer maintenance, signs, and snow plowing.
These areas of responsibility also include: Christmas tree removal, snow removal, street sweeping, pot hole maintenance, tree trimming and removal, yard debris/branch pick up, leaf pick up, metal pick up, library repairs and some maintenance and parking meter repairs.
As previously discussed, the proposed check valve on the storm system at the west end of Cherry Avenue already has funding in place. In the most recent Capital Ordinance, a small portion is needed to modify the inlet on Cherry Avenue in order to accommodate the new check valve. The remaining money allocated within the Ordinance for this area is to potentially add additional inlets, add to and/or increase existing pipe lengths/sizes to act as stormwater storage and get additional water off the streets and into the infrastructure. The extent of the work hinges on how well the check valve operates and keeps the downstream drainage/runoff including the Vosseller Brook from surcharging the system upstream in the Cherry Avenue area. Additionally, and also as previously discussed, the flood reduction for the Hayward Avenue area north of Cherry Avenue requires a multi-pronged approach involving the Board of Education and Bridgewater Township which is separate and apart from the checkvalve installation described above. A couple of potential options for the checkvalve are attached for reference only.