Municipal Alliance:

The mission of the “Alliance” is to provide consultation, programs, training, and resources to the Bound Brook and South Bound Brook communities with the goal of preventing and reducing the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.

The Alliance serves as a planning/coordinating agency emphasizing coordination between local government, community agencies, schools, police, clergy and interested citizens.

Municipal Alliance Co-Chairs – Richard Schuman and Maria Strada

Coordinator – Hilary Kruchowy


Youth Services Commission:

The mission of the “Commission” is to maximize delinquency prevention and provide assistance to at risk youth and their families.

The Commission services as a planning/coordinating agency emphasizing coordination between local government, community agencies, schools, police, clergy, and interested citizens.

YSC Chairperson – Janeen Kinney


Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday via zoom – view meetings calendar here for more information. To request the zoom information, email [email protected].


Maria Strada, Executive Director, Middle Earth


Richard Schumann, Executive Director


Hilary Kruchowy

Somerset County

Jennifer Sorensen

Council Liaison

Shawn Guerra


Cindy Britt

Alicia Carman

Arianna Cohen

Kathy Connor

Margaret Draghi, BB Memorial Library

Brenda Esler, Executive Director, Empower Somerset

Mayor Dominic Longo, Bound Brook

Alison Fetten, SBB Council

Christina Fischer

Beth Fischer

Rick Fittin, SBB Police Department

Shawn Guerra, BB Councilman

Dr. Lorise Goeke, SBB School District, Superintendent | Principal

Mr. Jeffrey Jaegel, Smalley Elementary School

K Kelly, SBB Council

Janeen Kinney, Lafayette Elementary School Counselor

Beth Konkle, South Bound Brook

Cindy Mangel

Mr. Anthony A. Mormile, District Director of Pupil Services

Ms. Deborah Paulsen, Student Assistance Counselor

Jodi Schneider

Mayor Chris Shoffner, South Bound Brook

Joyce Smith

Monica Sprague

Gary Ulmer, BB Police Department

Frances Waller, Business Owner