Tax Assessor

The Tax Assessor’s Office provides the information necessary to insure an accurate valuation of properties and equitable distribution of the real estate tax levy.

The evaluation and assessment techniques are a continuous process that record all the changes in the status of a property. Values for all property and improvements are established from this record with taxes levied proportionally amongst all property owners.

Contact Information:

Bound Brook Tax Assessor
Michael Imbriaco
[email protected]

732-356-0833 ext. 632
Fax: 732-356-8990

Office Hours:

every Tuesday that a
Council Meeting is Scheduled
5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Eligibility requirements (must meet all five requirements):

• Have had active wartime service in U.S. Armed Forces and been honorably discharged;

• Have a U.S. Veterans Administration certification of wartime service-connected disability as described under #5 on the DVSSE Claim;

• Wholly own or hold legal title to the dwelling house for which exemption is claimed;

• Occupy the dwelling house as the principal residence;

• Be a citizen and legal or domiciliary resident of New Jersey.


Disabled Veteran deduction forms may be obtained by clicking here, or from the Tax Assessor’s Office or the Tax Collector’s Office. Please email [email protected] for more information.

As of October 1st of the pretax year, a property owner may apply for a Senior Citizen, Disabled Person or Surviving Spouse of a Senior Citizen or Disabled Person.

• Must be a citizen and resident of New Jersey

• Hold legal title to the property for which the deduction is claimed.

• Residence in New Jersey for one year immediately prior to October 1st pretax year.

• Claimant must reasonably anticipate an annual income not to exceed $10,000 after a permitted exclusion of Social Security Benefits, or Federal Railroad Retirement, Federal Pensions and State Pensions of disability programs.

• Senior Citizen Age 65 or more as of December 31st pretax year

• Permanent & Total Disability as of December 31st pretax year

• Surviving Spouse Age 55 or more as of December 31st pretax year AND at the time of spouse’s death.

Senior Citizen deduction forms may be obtained by clicking here, or from the Tax Assessor’s Office or the Tax Collector’s Office. Please email [email protected] for more information.

Must be a citizen and resident of New Jersey as of October 1st of the pretax year. Hold legal title to the property for which the deduction is claimed. Active wartime service in US Armed Forces and been honorably discharged.

Veteran’s Tax Deduction forms may be obtained by clicking here, or from the Tax Assessor’s Office. Please call (732) 356-0833 x632 or email [email protected] for more information.


Surviving Spouse of a Veteran Claimant:

• Document that the deceased veteran was a citizen and resident of NJ at death, who had active wartime service in the US and was honorably discharged or died on active wartime duty.

• Nor have remarried

• Legal resident of NJ and owns the property for which the deduction is claimed.

Appeals on property assessments must be received by the County Tax Board on or before January 15th  of the tax year. Reduction Claim Tax Appeal forms can be obtained by clicking here, from the Assessor’s Office or the County Tax Board with instructions for preparing the petition of appeal. The total of all taxes and municipal charges due up to and including the first quarter must be paid.

For more information, please email [email protected] for more information. Visit the Somerset County Tax Board website here or call (908) 541-5701.