Accreditation demonstrates the strong culture that exists within the Bound Brook Police Department to provide superior service and community policing to the residents of Bound Brook based on identified best practices.  In December of 2016 an assessment of the department was conducted by a team from the New Jersey Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Accreditation Program.  The Bound Brook Police Department was found to be in compliance with 105 standards in 5 separate functional areas: Personnel, Administration, Operations, Investigations, and Arrestee/Detainee/Prisoner Handling Functions.  In striving to voluntarily meet these higher standards we hope to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to build a higher level of trust between the Department and those we serve.

Bound Brook Police Headquarters 
226 Hamilton Street
Bound Brook, NJ 08805

Phone: (732) 356-0800
Fax: (732) 563-0320


The success of a Police Department in the performance of its duties is largely measured by the degree of support and cooperation it receives from the people of the community which it serves. It is of paramount important that we secure the confidence, respect, and approbation of the public. The cultivation of such desirable attitudes is dependent upon proper performance of duty by all the members and employees of the department. Professionalization of police is gaining general recognition, but it can win universal acclaim and permanent status only if the actions of the police are reflected in intelligent, sincere, efficient and courteous service. The Police profession must embody the highest attributes of every other profession; neither private profit, nor personal reward, but service to the community is the hallmark of the professional police officer. The price tag for professionalism is accountability.


To deliver quality Police Service that meets our community’s expectations, we:

1. Do our job with skill and judgment, to keep people safe, and to keep ourselves safe.
2. Are part of our community, and determine our proper activities from those we serve.
3. Adapt our efforts to changing conditions, and try to anticipate rather than react.
4. When possible, we solve the problem, rather than just handle the call.
5. Are committed to doing the best we can, and will work to continually improve.
6. Each have specialized and technical skills, duties, and responsibilities, but we all have one job: To Help People.


Resume and Cover Letter can be submitted to: [email protected].


The Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office has a new website


The State of New Jersey has created a database of all pharmacies offering free Naloxone to individuals over the age of 14.
This resource can be located here.



It is the policy of the Bound Brook Police Department to utilize BWCs and MVRs to assist agency personnel in the performance of their duties by providing an accurate and unbiased recorded account of an incident.

For full policy and details, click here.


A program to help communities dispose of unused and or expired prescription medications and help prevent drug abuse. Bound Brook Police Department is taking action in the fight against the nationwide epidemic of opiate and heroin abuse, which is fueled by the abuse of prescription medication.

It is an important component of the New Jersey Attorney General’s efforts to stop the diversion and abuse of prescription drugs, including highly addictive opiate painkillers. We will continue to battle this epidemic to save lives, bring families back together, and make our community a safer place.