Become a School Crossing Guard:

The Bound Brook Police Department is always looking for reliable persons to work as school crossing guards around town. If you are interested, even if only for a part time basis, please contact Capt. Jason Gianotto at (732) 356-0800 ext. 664.


How to Obtain a Handicap Placard:  *MUST BE A BOUND BROOK RESIDENT*

In order to obtain a Handicap Placard please print the Handicap Placard Application here. Once it is completed by you and your doctor, turn it in to the Bound Brook Police Department located at 226 Hamilton Street. You may also pick up a copy of the application at police headquarters at any time. To avoid any further delay please submit your payment along with your completed application. Remember to include your phone number at the top of the application so someone can contact you to pick up the placard.


Project ChildSafe:

Project ChildSafe is a nationwide program that promotes safe firearms handling and storage practices among all firearm owners through the distribution of safety education messages and free firearm Safety Kits. The kits include a cable-style gun-locking device and brochure that discusses safe handling and storage. Since 2003, the Project has partnered with local law enforcement agencies to distribute more than 36 million safety kits to gun owners in all 50 states and five U.S. territories. Come in to Police Headquarters for more information about this project, or visit for more information.