Finance Office

The Finance Office is responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all municipal funds.

All revenues are recorded by the finance office and all purchases made by borough departments must first be approved by the finance office.

The Chief Finance Officer, works closely with all department heads to ensure compliance with fiscal and purchasing laws as set forth by the State of New Jersey Division of Local Government Services as well as the administration of each department’s respective budget.  CFO assists the Mayor and Council in preparation of the annual budget.

In addition to revenue collection and purchasing, the Bound Brook Finance office is responsible for employee payroll and pension benefits.


Tax Office

The Tax Collector performs a wide range of duties including preparation and mailing of annual tax, refuse bills, posting and processing all tax payments, providing a variety of reports that reflect accurate collection and enforcing all State Statues regarding the collection of taxes.

Finance office hours:

Monday – Friday:
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Contact Information:
Fax: 732-356-3662


Chief Finance Officer
Natasha Turchan
732-356-0833 x638

Tax Collector / Finance Clerk
Jodi Schneider
732-356-0833 x636

Payroll / Finance Clerk
Rosalia Fricano
732-356-0833 x637


For more information, please visit the following websites:

      1. NJDCA Assistance Programs
      2. NJ Housing Assistance

Contact: 1-844-930-1778 or Call: 2-1-1.

Taxes are due:

  • February 1
  • May 1
  • August 1
  • November 1

A ten day grace period applies. When the tenth day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the next day the Borough is open will be the last day of the grace period.

To make payment or view your bill, please click here.

The State of New Jersey does not allow the tax collector to acknowledge postmarks. Taxes must be received in the collector’s office on or before the 10th. Payments are posted on the day that they are received in our office.


PLEASE NOTE: If you moved into a new home within the past year, it may be possible that your tax or sewer bill was received by the prior property owner. You can use our online payment system to check on the status of tax and sewer payments  and to make sure that there are not any outstanding or missed payments.



As of January 2023 sewer charges are part of your New Jersey American Water bill. THE BOROUGH IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SEWER.


If payment is not received by the 10th of the month that the bill is due, it is delinquent and a delinquent notice will be mailed.

When the 10th day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the next day the Borough is open will be the last day of the grace period.

The interest is computed to a specific future date that is indicated on the notice. Payment must be received by the Tax Office, no later than 4 pm on the date indicated on the notice. The amount reflected on the notice, “TOTAL DUE” is the amount that should be submitted. If you do not make payment by the interest computed to date reflected on the notice, the amount due is not sufficient. If you are going to pay online, you can look up your total here. If you are mailing a check, please call the Tax Office, 732-356-0833 x636.



FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When are property tax bills due?

Estimated 3rd quarter: You will receive an estimated 3rd quarter bill as a single stub. This is your 3rd quarter bill, due August 1. If you have a mortgage company, they will also receive this bill.

Final & Preliminary bills: You will receive four stubs: August (should have already been paid from your 3rd quarter estimated bill), and November for current year; and February and May for the following year.

  1. What if I pay my property taxes through my mortgage company?

If you pay your taxes through your mortgage company, the statement will say, “Advice Copy Only”.

If you receive a “Advice Copy Only” statement, but do not have a mortgage company, use this statement to pay your taxes. Your mortgage company should send us a notice to remove your bank code.

  1. What happens if I do not receive my bill?

Failure to receive a bill does not exempt you from paying your bill or any delinquent interest.

To obtain your bill:

– Go to, under “Tax Inquiry” – Search by Account Number or Block and Lot or Street Address or Owner Name

  1. What do I have to do when selling my property?

When selling your property, your tax, sewer and refuse bills must be handed over to the new owner at the time of closing.

Sewer and refuse are not included in your property tax bills.

  1. When are refuse bills mailed? When are refuse bills due?

Refuse bills are mailed once a year in June and contain four payment stubs. Refuse bills are due August 1 and November 1 for current year and February 1 and May 1 for the following year.

  1. When are sewer bills mailed? When are sewer bills due?

The Borough no longer handles sewer billing. As of January 2023 sewer is part of your New Jersey American Water bill.

  1. Drop-off payment for after hours:

There is a black drop box in the lobby of the building (parking lot entrance) for your convenience, open 24/7. Payments placed in the drop box after closing will be applied the next day.



Quarterly Taxes Due: 

  • February 1
  • May 1
  • August 1
  • November 1

A ten day grace period applies. When the tenth day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the next day the Borough is open will be the last day of the grace period.

The State of New Jersey does not allow the tax collector to acknowledge postmarks.  Taxes must be received in the collector’s office on or before the 10th.  Payments are posted on the day that they are received in our office. The tax office cannot accept post dated checks.

Please be sure to include your phone number on all checks.