Office of the Municipal Registrar

Welcome to the Bureau of Vital Statistics

The Registrar of Vital Statistics is responsible for the filing of all births, marriages and deaths that occur in the Borough of Bound Brook. Vital Records are maintained in accordance with the requirements of the State of New Jersey. The registrar’s office also issues qualified applicants with certified copies of the certificates associated with these events.

The registrar and her staff provide a valuable service to the public and welcome the opportunity to serve you.

Marriage License Application Requirements:

Applicants must bring two (2) valid ID’s.

  • Driver’s License
  • Passport
  • Birth Certificate.

Either bride or groom must reside in Bound Brook
Applicants must provide proof of residency 
Both Bride and Groom must personally come to Borough Hall accompanied by one witness.
The witness must be over the age of 18 and know both applicants. 

If previously married, a copy of the final judgment of divorce should be provided. If a Widow please provide a Death Certificate. 
The application fee for marriage/civil union is $28.00. Cash or two checks. $25.00 and $3.00. If you would like a certified copy of a marriage/civil union, please click on the certified copy tab.
Be prepared to give the name and address of the person performing the ceremony as well as the date of marriage. 
There is a mandatory 72 hour waiting period.
It is a good idea to come in about three weeks before your intended marriage date.

Se necesita dos formas de identificacion de cada persona.

  • Licencia de conducir
  • Pasaporte vigente
  • Partida de nacimiento opcional

El novio o la novia debe de residir en Bound Brook
Los solicitantes deben presentar prueba de residencia
Los (dos) novios deben de venir personalmente a la Municipalidad acompañados de un testigo.
El testigo debe de ser mayor de 18 años y debe de conocer a los dos novios. 
Si fue casado anteriormente, se necesita el juramento final del divorcio. Si enviudó se necesita el certificado de defunción. 
Costo de la aplicación: $28.00. en efectivo o en cheque, si paga con cheques necesita dos cheques. $25.00 y de $3.00. 
Hay una espera mandatoria de tres dias. 
Por favor aplicar con tres semanas de anticipación antes de la fecha fijada para su boda.

Certified Copy of Vital Records
(includes Birth, Marriage, Civil Unions and Death Certificates)

The following certified copies are available from the Registrar of the Borough of Bound Brook:

  • Births occurring in the Borough of Bound Brook
  • Marriages occurring in the Borough of Bound Brook
  • Civil Unions occurring in the Borough of Bound Brook
  • Deaths occurring and pronounced in the Borough of Bound Brook

Certified copies are only issued to those individuals who have a direct link to the individual(s) named on the record. The requestor must provide proof of his identity and relationship.
If you are requesting a vital record for someone other than yourself, you must be an immediate member of the family.
This includes parents, legal guardians, spouses, children, grandchildren, and siblings of legal age.
A grandparent, aunt, uncle, or in-law cannot request a vital record.

Each certified copy is $20.00 and must be accompanied by the completed and signed application form. (See form on the link to the right). You may come to Borough Hall during business hours to obtain a copy of a vital records.

Certified Copy of Vital Records by mail:

  • Send completed and signed form
  • Enclose photo copies of valid ID (do not send original documents)
  • Check for desired number of copies made payable to the Borough of Bound Brook
  • Self-addressed stamped envelope: Borough of Bound Brook, 230 Hamilton Street, Bound Brook, NJ  08805  Attention: Registrar

Bound Brook Registrar
Maritza Arias
732-356-0833 x635
[email protected]



Registrar Office Hours

Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.



Hours for Marriage License Applications

Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.